On 11 March 2024, the CONNECT Academy webinar meeting series was held online. The topic of this webinar was "Clinical Trials and choice of study sites. Norway seen from the outside".
Watch the meeting below: (This meeting is in Norwegian)
How is a clinical trial site selected in an international context? What do global pharmaceutical companies look for, and how is Norway rated?
In this edition of Connect Academy, we take a closer look at just that. We present recent findings from a survey and in-depth interviews conducted by Tailormade Consulting on behalf of Connect. The survey includes insights from representatives from six leading pharmaceutical companies, all responsible for site selection within their organizations.
To put the findings into perspective, Ingvil Sæterdal introduces an updated status of clinical trials in Norway as of 2024. We then get reactions from both industry and clinics:
How do the findings match their experiences?
Are there any surprises?
What can we do – together and individually – to strengthen Norway's attractiveness as a study destination?
As always, we are looking forward to an engaging discussion and a round of questions and answers.
We are pleased to have with us:
Andreas Berg, CEO, Tailormade Consulting
Hege Edvardsen, Medical Director for Oncology and Hematology, GSK Norway and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Connect
Ingvil Sæterdal, Head of the Clinical Trials and Innovation Unit, DMP
Åsa Dahle Smith, Chief Physician and Head of the Cancer Department's Trials Unit at Ahus
The meeting will be moderated by Andreas Høiaas, Project Manager for Connect.